About Caregiverlist
Who is Caregiverlist?
We are a team of committed and experienced professionals who have been involved with the Internet and
Senior Care since 1995. We have experience launching more than a few successful companies and more than a
few successful web sites that became leaders in their industries. After becoming repeatedly frustrated by
not finding an online resource offering complete senior care planning information, we finally decided to
use our experience to build a site to serve this need. As children, grand-children and great-grandchildren
of those receiving and planning for their retirement care and as professionals in the senior care industry,
we are familiar with the objective and subjective information needed to properly plan for quality care.
What is Caregiverlist.com?
Caregiverlist.com is an informative new website that answers all the questions both Adult Children and
Seniors ask when they need a solution for their care needs. Caregiverlist.com allows individuals to share
their caregiving experiences with others and to learn about the various care options, along with the costs
for each, so they can best choose the road they would like to take. Caregiverlist.com offers Caregiving
career education and connections to senior care employers for those seeking to work as a Caregiver, as
staffing needs are an on-going industry challenge.
Our Mission: Connecting Seniors With Quality Care Choices
We know that senior care is often something people do not want to talk about or think about, until it
is actually needed. But we also know that just like a good insurance policy, both seniors and their
families will weather the storm much better if a plan is in place. We will give you the tools to plan
ahead and we will also give you the tools to implement a quality plan in an emergency situation. Our
comprehensive Checklists and Quality Standards allow us to connect you with the right choice for your
medical and financial situation.
Our Commitment
We are excited to build a community, a brand and a service that is of genuine and real value to millions
of seniors and their families. We are committed to listening to your feedback and suggestions as we develop
and upgrade the site. Our Surveys will gather your feedback on our Service Providers and our educational
resources. We will continue to offer Industry Experts and interactive tools for you to communicate your
needs and thoughts with each other and with us.
The Market Need
Life expectancy in the U.S.A. continues to increase. Women still live longer, but men are starting to
catch-up. Life expectancy for those born in 2005 is 78 years. The top-3 leading killers for age-adjusted
death rates are: 1) Heart Disease 2) Cancer 3) Stroke. The 7th leading killer for age-adjusted death rates
is Alzheimer’s Disease and the 14th is Parkinson’s Disease which represents an increase of 5% between 2004
and 2005 for both of these diseases (all data from National Center for Health Statistics, September 12, 2007).
This means that while the 78 million Baby Boomers (Americans born between 1946 and 1964) will live longer than
previous generations, they will also have an increased need for care assistance. At the same time, families
often do not all live in the same city anymore. When they do live in the same city, full-time jobs and
traffic challenges often require additional support when caring for a senior. With our busy lives, we are
increasingly using the internet and wireless devices to access information. We will offer a service that
provides complete objective and subjective, easy-to-use quality information for seniors and their families
because……. Medicare does NOT pay for long-term care in the home nor in a nursing home.
Company History
June, 2011: Professional Association of Caregivers with 8-Hour Online Training
August, 2010: Caregiverlist Nursing Home Star-Ratings and Daily Costs Launches
March 22, 2010: Caregiverlist Caregiver Certification Training Launched, Powered by aQuire Training Solutions
August 25, 2008: Pilot Program Ends and Provider Paid Subscription Program Begins
March 7, 2008: Soft launch of Caregiverlist.com Website
February, 2008: Industry Expert Panel created
January, 2008: Industry Advisory Board created
November 8, 2006: Company legally created