Caregiver Training Portal FAQ


Unenroll a Caregiver if they did NOT TAKE THE EXAM and Receive Class Pass Back

  • Caregivers who no longer work for you
  • Caregivers who were a no-show
  • Accidental course enrollment 
  • Typo in E-mail Address

Step 1: Click on Caregiver’s Name

Step 2: Click the UNENROLL button by the Course Name and Caregiver will be Unenrolled


Fix Typo in Caregiver’s Name (the e-mail address is correct)


Step 1: Click on Caregiver’s Name

Step 2: You will see the First Name and Last Name for the Caregiver at the top of the page. Type in the corrected name. Click on “Click to save details” and the name will be fixed.


Remove a Caregiver who is no Longer working for you (Use Remove if the Caregiver has already taken the exam)


Removing a Caregiver takes them off your list. Don’t worry, you can add them back if you make a mistake and if they come back to work for your company again, which happens, you can add them back again. The information is not deleted, it is removed from the view in the chart. The caregiver’s training stays stored in your system.


Step 1: Click on Caregiver’s Name

Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Remove from my account”



How do I reset a Caregiver’s exam if they have flunked 3 times?


Step 1: Click on Caregiver’s Name

Step 2: Click on the “reset exam button” to the right of the course for the caregiver to delete the failed exams so the caregiver may re-take the exam up to 3 times again.



How do I view or print a caregiver’s certificate?


Step 1: Click on the blue-green Certificate button under the name of the training course in the right column of the Enrollment list. You may view or print the certificates at anytime.


How do I bulk enroll multiple caregivers or bulk remove or unenroll multiple caregivers?


Step 1: Click “Add Students” and then click on “bulk add students” in the top right. To take bulk action on removing or unenrolling multiple caregivers, click + Show Filters on the top right, under the SELECT button. Filter for the list you want to take bulk action for, such as “caregivers who have never logged in”, then click on SELECT. 



How do I add courses?


Step 1: Click on ADD COURSES, click on the box to the left of the course name to add the course to your library.



How do I view my courses?


Step 1: Click on “ADD STUDENT” or click on “ADD COURSES” and you will see your list of courses.



How do I buy more class passes?

Step 1: Click on “My Passes”.